Pew Internet Reports Difference Woman Men Internet Use


Differences between men and women are even found in their use of the Internet. According to PEWInternet who released a report which finds that “men value the Internet for the breadth of experiences it offers, and women value it for the human connections.”

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This statement is backed up by their findings that men have a higher intensity of Internet usage with more time spent online and men are more likely than women to try the latest technology. Men are more avid consumers of finding information online with a wide range of interests (from financial to political news).


Women on the other hand, spend more time online deepening relationships with people. They use email and the Internet more as a communications tool. Their online information gathering on personal time tends to be related to health and religion, but consider the array of information as a “glut.”  For business, searching and use activities for business there is little to non difference in use or interest.


Kamaron Institute Technology Business Resources

Streaming Media Moves Into Everyday Language /Life

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“Streaming,” a term moving quickly into the mainstream vernacular, means to access audio and video content.  “Steaming” is more like the faucet or water pipe; than the water.  Streaming is the conductor and not the current. Streaming media is the delivery method allowing the recipient to watch or listen to the information as it travels along a communications network. You may have ‘streamed’ and not even known it.  When you visit a news, site click and watch the brief video, you are streaming.  Streaming music is a fact of life. After surviving the free versus fee music download issues and the introduction of iPod, music streaming has traveled well along its adoption curve.   Video’s journey has just begun.  For example – The Women Online study reports that of the estimated 97 million females online in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />US, only 66 percent of them actually watch videos online.  Teens are lacking in cash but not in interest. Popular destinations for streamers include:  YouTube, MySpace and Google Video.


Teens are much more interested in the instant entertainment gratification and have more time than their moms.   Ipsos Insight reports that teens and young adults are the most likely to stream video online.  Three in four of all U.S. teens age 12-17 and young adults age 18-24 have ever streamed digital video content online. The demographic of the typical video streamer skews younger and more likely to have higher incomes.  The financial link here is the need for a broadband connection to stream content. 


Shorter video clips with no cost are by far the most preferred type of video file accessed today. Three out of four digital video streamers have streamed (watched) short news or sports clips. Two out of three have streamed amateur or homemade video clips.  Adults are likely to view (stream) news clips of interest.




Glossary Cyber Bullying Terms for Parents and Teachers

Cyber Bullying Related Terms


Bash Board: An online bulletin board on which individuals may post anything they want. The content tends to be malicious, ridiculing, hateful statements directed against another person.

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Blog: Interactive web journal or diary (web log) viewable to general audience or specific groups


Buddy List: Collection of real names, screen names, or handles which represent “friends” or buddies within an instant message, chat program, or cell phone.


Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is the use of e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms, pagers, cell phones, or other forms of information technology to deliberately harass, threaten, or intimidate someone.


Cyber Bullying Victim: The one who is on the receiving end of online social cruelty


Cyberstalking: Harassment that includes threats of harm or is highly intimidating and intruding upon one’s personal privacy.


Cyberthreats: Online material that either generally or specifically raises concerns that the creator may intent to inflict harm or violence to self of others.


IM/Instant Messaging: The act of instantly communicating between two or more people over a network such as the Internet.


Flaming (email text etc.): Sending rude, crude, angry or obscene messages directed at a person or persons either privately or to an online group.


Happy Slapping: Extreme form of bullying where physical assaults are recorded on mobile phones and distributed to others. Sometimes they are posted on Social Networking sites or blogs.


Harassment: Unsolicited words or actions intended to annoy, alarm or abuse another individual


ISP: Internet Service Provider, the company that provides an Internet connection to individuals or companies


Offender: The one who instigates online social cruelty


Social Networking web sites: Online service that bring together people by organizing them around a common interest or by providing an interactive environment of photos bligs, user profiles, and messaging systems. Examples include Facebook and MySpace.


Spam: Unsolicited electronic mail sent from someone you do not know.


Trolling: Deliberately positing false information to entine a genuinely helpful people to respond and contribute to the discussion.


URL: Universal record locator: a string of text that specifies the location of an object accessible through the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), typically a World Wide Web address, as of a home page or iplay channel. A Web URL begins with “http://”. Differs from a domain name in the sense that the domain name is a part of a URL and corresponds with IP addresses to form a URL.



Cyber Bullying Resource from Kamaron Institute  and Kamaron Institute Resource Cyber Bullying Resource Center

20 Million Choose ITunes – Brand Preferance Clear

 20 Million ITunes Users have declared their distinct brand preferences

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Apple’s ITunes Web site and use of the ITunes application has skyrocketed 241% over the past year…reaching nearly 14% of the active Internet population” according to Nielsen//NetRatings. Consumers, generally around 17, show that they want to be in control of their music libraries.


They also have other preferences in brands. They are more likely to have a Volkswagen, drink hard cider, read the magazine Wired, and watch the Cartoon Network. This should give ITunes a great understanding of their audience and be able to “tune” their marketing towards them. 

Security Software Reviews For Parents and Teachers

Cyber Bullying Resource: Security Safety Software Reference

Proactive informed parents are the best deterrent. The security concerns have spawned an industry of touted “software solutions.” At best software tools are reinforcements for your personal child safety campaign. 

Software tools generally focus on two major tasks: tracking and monitoring internet usage and filtering or blocking certain forms of internet access.  The following chart provides a comparison of the features of some of the more prominent programs available but is not a Kamaron recommendation.

the more prominent programs available but is not a Kamaron recommendation.




CyberPatrol from SurfControl
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$39.95 (12 month)
$59.95 (24 month)
Discounts for future subscriptions and for bulk purchases (5 or more licenses)

·         Records all web surfing activity
·         Sends email report.
·         Provides site and program blocking and time restrictions.2

·         PC Magazine Editor Rating of 4 (out of 5).
·         Reviewers note its susceptibility to overriding, especially on outbound IMs.

$39.95 for a single computer, with discounts for additional computers.  No subscription fees.

·         Records all web surfing activity and IMs.
·         Sends email report.
·         Provides site and program blocking and time restrictions.2
·         Blocks Social Networking sites such as MySpace and FaceBook.

·         Five time winner of PC Magazine’s Editor’s Choice Award.
·         Some minor Windows interface difficulties reported.

Safe Eyes
$50.00  per year for up to three computers.

·         Records all web surfing activity and IMs.
·         Sends email report
·         Provides site and program blocking and time restrictions.2
·         Blocks P2P file sharing.1

·         Winner of PC Magazines Editor’s Choice Award
·         Some trouble with URL filters blocking legitimate sites.

Allume Sustems Spycatcher

·         Beats others at detecting and blocking spam
·         Activate Parental Controls

·         Consumer Reports reviewed.

1Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing programs allow direct downloading between end user computers, without the safeguards of a mediating website.  P2P programs are used primarily to share music and video files, but can be used for any kind of computer data.

2Program blocking capabilities include both programs installed on the computer and programs accessed online (e.g., video games and gambling programs).  Time restrictions capabilities include both limiting the amount of time spent online in a given period (e.g., per day or week) and limiting access at certain times of the day (e.g., between 1:00 and 6:00 a.m.).


This seeming cornucopia of solutions may be deceptive, however.  CNet reports that the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />US Justice Department cast doubt last winter on the notion that software alone is adequate protection.  And Anne Collier, editor of, argues on the website that Web 2.0 (cyberspeak for the new generation of internet involving multimedia, mobile access, multidirectional communication, and user-driven content) defies control, and reliance on software to keep our children safe is a partial solution at best. offers a helpful Online Safety Guide that provides general tips for kids, teens, and families, then breaks specific suggestions down into age groups with three-year spans. and Kamaron Resource Center


Laughter Helps You Live Longer Say Scientists

Laughter has health benefits according to a recent study. With that news in mind let’s talk about laughter's link to wellness.  A Norwegian researcher reported that laughter might help you live longer.  What he said the study determined is that adults with a sense of humor outlive those without one, based on a study of 54,000 Norwegians.

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  • The greater a role humor played in their lives, the greater their chances of surviving the seven years.
  • Adults who scored in the top one-quarter for humor appreciation were 35% more likely to be alive than those in the bottom quarter.
  • Study took into account health, age, sex, lifestyle and other things that could affect survival.

 Read More From Health News




Teen Optimistic About Innovation Science & Technology

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A new study done by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, shows that teens are more optimistic than adults on what innovation will bring to our future. By 2015, 33% of teens believe gas powered cars will obsolete, as opposed to 10% of adults.


Teens were much more optimistic than the adults polled that innovations will solve a lot of the global issues. Such innovations teens thought would be solved: unclean water, hunger, disease and pollution. This was encouraging to those who conducted the survey considering the fact that the teens believe innovations in the areas of science and technology could solve these important issues.


But current trends are not likely to put many of these teens in the field of science and technology. Only 14% of the teens were interested in the field of engineering, and only 9% were interested in a career choice of science.


Keywords: innovation, science & technology, education

General Has Tough Mission: Building The Army

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The Army recruitment department is turning to video games, Websites, text messaging to cell phones, and helicopter simulators to draw more teenagers into the recruitment offices to sign up for duty. With goals not being met for recruitment, the Major General in charge of recruitment, turns to these and other innovations in order to attract those who have the aptitude and desire to be apart of the Army. He also has turned to commercials on the Food Network and sending recruitment officers out to NASCAR events to help persuade parents that Army service will be good for their children. There are currently 8,000 military recruiters, an advertising budget of $200 million, and a fleet of tractor-trailers that are outfitted to showcase the Army’s technology.



Keyords: Sci/Tech, Parenting, Business

Cyber Bullying Solutions Schools Home

Daily, half of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />America’s school children, approximately 12 million, are impacted by bullying on the bus and in school.  Cyber bullying is in addition to this larger problem that impacts the quality of student education.


A partnerships with school, home, transportation, and community is required.

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The number of kids using the Internet makes it the preferred way to communicate. The Pew Internet & American Life Project reports that approximately 17 million kids aged 12 to 17 use the Internet.


Teens have embraced IM—74 percent of teens IM, compared to only 44 percent of adults. IM  is the preferred cyber bullying medium of teenage girls.


Cyber Bullying incidents tracked at 6 percent in 2000 are now estimated in range of 18% to 42% of students in grades 4 through 8, say they have been bullied online.


Less than 20 percent tell their parents that they have been cyber bullying victims our of fear of loosing internet access.


It’s a cycle. Half of cyber bullying victims also display cyber bullying behaviors. 


Cyber bullies sometimes leave their “electronic finger prints” behind. Electronic messages such as IM’s and emails leave “fingerprints”—nine-digit numbers recorded with your ISP (Internet Service Provider).



Cyber Bullying Preemption and Prevention In Schools


Launch a proactive, preemptive program that replaces the natural name-calling, bullying, taunting bullying behaviors with a positive focus.  Re-norm what is considered cool at school


Kamaron Institute has successfully done with the KC3 Positive Label Program, which has proven to decrease bullying behaviors by 50 percent.


Make sure ethics and character as bullying preemption should be included in any computer instruction given at your school.


Partner with your PTA for a parent briefing on all cyber bullying as well as bullying on buses and in school.


Encourage your school district to develop a clear, comprehensive bully preemption and cyber bulling prevention policy on acceptable computer use, both on and off school property.


The policy should spell out what constitutes cyber bullying, and list consequences.


Establish a bullying prevention relationship with your local police department, perhaps inviting “cyber cops” to your school to speak to parents and kids on proper Internet use.

Mature Audience Is Core Viewer Group for Streaming Media

Mature Audience Are Core Viewers for Streaming Media

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The person watching news, entertainment programming on home computers and cell phones is not a teen or someone starting out in their career.  The steaming video viewer is Generation X and younger Boomers.


A study from comScore Networks found that “consumers between the ages of 35 and 54 years old accounted for more than 45 percent of all online video watched in the last few months… and 20% more likely to watch online video than the average Internet user.” This online video streams could be anything from product clips, music videos, movie trailers, to full news broadcasts. These results alter the stereotype that the younger crowd would be more likely to be streaming video and should alter website publishers marketing targets.





A technology and life style business resource from Kamaron Institute Resource Center