Global business is expanding and exploding. A perfect example is China that has become on of the worlds fastest growing economies. The need to understand cultures and communication is every bit as important as having the right sources for your product lines. If you think it’s time to do some reading, Christoper Liechty works all over the world and recently shared his personal reading list. Each book will add to your knowledge of doing business within different cultures.
The books are:
Cross-Cultural Dialogues: 74 Brief Encounters with Cultural Difference by Craig Storti
Designing Across Cultures: How to Create Effective Graphics for Diverse Ethnic Groups by Ronnie Lipton
Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: How to Do Business in Sixty Countries by Terri Morrison, Wayne Conway and George Borden
Dun & Bradstreet’s Guide to Doing Business Around the World (ISBN 0735201080, out of print) by Terri Morrison, Wayne Conway and Joseph Douress
Keywords: Business books, Relationships, Finance
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