Kamaron Institute Business Growth Fact: Administering Aspirations

Your Kamaron Institute news nugget: Today's business facts and stats may assist in accelerating your business thinking. Kamaron chose this business fact to add value to your visit to the Kamaron news site. Remember: Knowledge is not power. Wise application of knowledge by people of character and integrity is power. We attract what we are rather than simply what we want.

“A leader is a dealer in hope.”~ Napoleon Bonaparte

Kamaron Institute is dedicated to accelerating business and education. The way we think provides a vital different in creating positive results.

Kamaron Institute's Educational , KC3 Positive Label Program is a research based bullying prevention, positive character program that has proven to cut bully behaviors in half while doubling tolerance and cooperation. Partner in education of the National Museum of Patriotism.

© 2005 Kamaron Institute , Kamaron Institute, Margaret S Ross Books